
Python Streamlit - Cheat Sheet

1. Installation/Import

Install Streamlit
pip install streamlit
Import Streamlit
import streamlit as st

2. Components

Streamlit has a number of built-in components that you can use to build your app. Some of the most useful ones include:

Add a header to your app
Add a subheader to your app
Add some text to your app
Add Markdown-formatted text to your app
Add a button to your app
Add a checkbox to your app
Add a radio button to your app
Add a dropdown menu to your app
Add a slider to your app
Add an image to your app
Add a Plotly chart to your app

3. Interactivity

One of the key features of Streamlit is its ability to add interactivity to your app. You can do this by using the st.sidebar function to create a sidebar, and adding interactive widgets such as buttons and sliders to it.

For example:

import streamlit as st

# Add a sidebar

# Add a slider to the sidebar
value = st.sidebar.slider("Select a value", 0, 100, 50)

# Use the value selected on the slider
st.write(f"You selected {value}")

You can also use the st.cache decorator to cache the results of expensive computations, so that they are only re-computed when the relevant inputs change.

For example:

import streamlit as st

def expensive_computation(x, y):
    return x + y

# Add a slider and a button to the app
x = st.slider("Select a value for x", 0, 100, 50)
y = st.slider("Select a value for y", 0, 100, 50)
button = st.button("Compute")

# When the button is clicked, compute the result of the expensive computation
if button:
    result = expensive_computation(x, y)
    st.write(f"Result: {result}")